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โ€บMental Healthโ€บThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

trigger warning A couple of months back i was diagnosed with chronic depression. i did not feel like speaking to anyone , doing anything. Every minute felt like a burden and i did not feel like living. i felt hopeless and helpless , i had started falling sick and it felt extremely difficult to go on living like this. it was like stress had taken over meโ€ฆ (stress of being so sad) every minute was passed by being worried and overthinking, i had never imagined something like this could happen to me but surprisingly it did. it was extremely difficult to explain how i was feeling to people and i just did not want to associate or explain. My mind had become foggy due to stress and i lost the ability to think and use my mind. my concentration level had dropped to 0 . i felt like a dead person. Then i decided to visit a Psychiatrist and psychotherapist, thankfully with the help of medicines im alright now and happy as well even though my mind continues to be quite unclear and foggy but i have got my concentration back.

2 replies

Avni @avni


I am really happy medicine worked for you.I know how painfully frustrating the process can be. I hope more people took their mental health seriously enough or had access to a health professional.

Kashika @kashika


Iโ€™m so happy that you sailed through the hard times. Itโ€™s not easy seeing that phase, Iโ€™ve been there too, minimally though. I really applaud your strength and self motivation that kept you going. I hope youโ€™re amazing now, have regular therapy and think positively and try to surround yourself with people who love you. Youโ€™ll surely feel amazing ^_^


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