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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dess

collosus @dess

Tough times. I was just trying to stand up and move forward again in life but things happened. My grandfather is in the hospital because of a heart attack. My mother is the one who’s with him and is taking care of him. My father is at work and I was left with my brothers in the house. I can’t do my academic tasks because we’re doing the house chores and I’m also trying to keep my sanity while all of these are happening. idk anymore, i just need a friend:(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dess
4 replies

I’ll be your friend :) talk to me mate

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dess

collosus @dess


hey, thanks for replying. I just missed talking to a friend since I’ve been so detached from anyone for the past weeks then things happened.


what happened? (you don’t need to answer if you don’t wanna) if you’re feeling detached I highly suggest binging TV it’s not theraputic but it’s fun and I find it helpful :D

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dess

collosus @dess


okay, I’ll do that. thanks:)


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