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junk DNA @tum

Todays Topic : “The Gaslight Effect.”

Gaslighting is a form of emotion#al abus##e that makes you question your beliefs and perception of reality.

Over time, this type of manipula%tion can wear down your self-esteem and self-confidence, leaving you dependent on the person gaslighting you.

The term itself comes from the 1938 play “Gas Light,” later released as the 1940 and 1944 movies “Gaslight.” The story follows a husband who isolates and manipulates his wife with an end goal of institutionalizing her

Someone who’s gaslighting might:

#insist you said or did things you know you didn’t do
#deny or scoff at your recollection of events
#call you “too sensitive” or “crazy” when you express your needs or concerns
#express doubts to others about your feelings, behavior, and state of mind
#twisting or retelling events to shift blame to you
#insist they’re right and refuse to consider facts or your perspective

people often gaslight because being right allows them to validate themselves. When gaslighters feel threatened, they need you to believe and support their version of events in order to maintain their sense of power and control.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
2 replies

That’s quite informative and I learnt a new term. Thanks


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