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junk DNA @tum

Todays Topic : Social Influence
“If you say one gets influenced watching a character, I think it’s foolish. Cinema reflects society; society rarely reflects cinema”

Asch’ Classic Study (I9S5) --In his experiment, participants had to judge the length of the line
(which line (A, B or C) matches the first line?)
- He found that
people were willing to get along and make decisions consistently
with the group even when the group made clear errors, Asch
concluded that people would rather make wrong decisions than
to suffer social rejection.

Normative Influence
Normative influence is related to the act of going along with
the crowd in the effort to be liked and to be accepted.

Informational Influence

In informative influence, we go along with the crowd because
we think the crowd knows more than we do.

Ambiguous situations: When people do not know what to do.

Crisis situations:When people donot have time to think what todo.

in these situations, people follow others because they think
others know what they are doing

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