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Todays Topic : Emotions
He who conquers the mind, conquers the world. -Guru Nanak Dev
Everything we see is the result of our thoughts. Thoughts are something that shape everything around us and our entire world. True thoughts create their own reality and false thoughts create their own reality, as well. This is one reason it is so important that we are constantly guarding our mind against negative thoughts in the world. We see in others the worst in ourselves.
When you try and stand up for something, people are always going to come back at you to try to even the score–even after several years. Even when you are right about something. This is one reason you need to be very careful about what you want to stand for. The more you stand for something, the more you are likely to be attacked.
You need to realize that it does you no good in your career and life to try to even the score. When you are trying to even the score, you are in a state where nothing good can come of it. Trying to prove something to your next employer due to the way you want to perceive the world is not worth it. You do not want to let your mind be transfixed on negative and destructive thoughts. Think about what is positive
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