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Today very weird thing happened to me , my old bestfriend has her birthday today and as i invited to her birthday i was not knowing were we are going and just blindly trusted her and she took me too hooka bar , (were people were drinking alcohol and doing hooks ), as i am seventeen it was my first time visiting there and it feel disgusting , i don’t do anything just waited for 20 mins and leave from there without saying anything , i am still processing that where i went no offense to anyone but is it appropriate to go to such places at such tender age ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @goldeneyed
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

You did right if you are not comfortable…


I hope so i think i may hurted her with this

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Thats what i am feeling


It’s the fact that i am not facinated about drinking or smoking it doesn’t meant enjoyment to me …
What as i am in intrested more about knowing things like u know i like philosophical things alot simple peace and enjoyment is to me is going out having good chat and eating good food

Profile picture for Now&Me member @goldeneyed

celeste @goldeneyed

Well you did the right thing if you’re not comfortable and you decided to leave you did the right thing.
no offense to anyone but nowadays most of the teenagers are into illegal things.
And one more things never trust anyone blindly unless it’s your parents.
Though I’m gald you choose to leave💕


Yeah thanks i am not guilty anymore , i think teenager now days are interested in every other things which will be never be useful in life , career and as i think in teenager year you will break or make your career


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