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Today, I feel like I’m slowly losing myself every day…I smile to make overs happy but it’s like when I need someone I have no one to talk to,it’s like people only need me when they need someone but when I need someone there’s no one I can turn to I feel alone like I have no one my life is slowly starting to crumble around me 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @paisleygirl
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @paisleygirl

Paisleygirl @paisleygirl

I feel the same way. I give and listen without judgment but no one can do the same foe me. Im willing to listen to whatever you would like to say.


I would love to talk to u more 💕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @paisleygirl

Paisleygirl @paisleygirl

Hi @rose1278
How ya doing today? If you’re like me at all there a good, strong, positive moments and then there are the hopeless, sad and lonely moments. The crappy thing is that i never know what might change my feelings. It could be a small insignificant thing or a flash of the good moments. I try to think of all the bad moments so that i just feel angry and not sad or lonely. When im feeling my worst i want to pick up my phone and talk to someone that knows me and my story and will just listen and tell me everything will be ok. But i dont have anyone like that. I dont understand how someone can listen to your pour your heart out, telling them all the deepest darkest things in your heart and mind and soul, and all they can do is pass judgment and tell you how you did everything wrong or worse, they shrug it off then turn around and gossip to everyone how fucked up you are. Its been like that for me my whole life so trust is an issue for me and so is sharing my feelings, i dont want to be vulnerable. So i act like this tough girl that doesn’t need anyone. But its not true, i can do things myself but sometimes i want to stop controlling my emotions and be free while someone takes care of me and protects me. Makes me feel safe and secure but right now i need to control things because I’m the only person that i trust. I’m just scared, are you relating to any of that? Or do you feel differently? Its nice to know that im not the only one that feels even a little like i do. So give it to me, tell me whatever you like. This kinda thing helps, talking and listening.💛

Lane Connors @desolatepoet

what are you supposed to do then? I understand my faults and try to move past them including my emotional ones but everyone around me is constantly infuriating me. They give up and have no compassion or attention to others. I bite my tongue and try to take the high road but I’m tired of the high road. I just want to be a dick like everyone else but the minute I do I know I will feel even worse. I try to account for all their feelings and everything and at this point I’m just so hopeless that there is anyone that cares. They care about my relationship to them not my actual well being. Even my closest friends understand my intense paranoia and sometimes all I want is someone to listen not fix or give advice. I just want them to understand what everyday is like, and then they chalk up how I’m better at all our hobbies, and school, and work with better pay, completely ignoring my sleepless nights and dedication, and years of experience. I try to remove my judgement and understand that they have their own path and story for their own perception. But I feel, if they just took some time to introspect they would realize that giving to other people is the reward. I enjoy giving gifts without expecting anything, I just like being their friend and talking to them, but they utilize me. 21 years of this, even my immediate family and my best friend of 17 years. Everyone is just forcing their expectations on me and at this point I’m not even disappointed anymore, so angry that they all focus on themselves all the time, and I worry maybe I’m just like them and that’s why I’m resentful and I’m so lost and confused like no matter how much I give all I want is a genuine compassionate conversation in return.


I feel the same way too! I don’t know if this will help, but just know that you’re not alone. There are other people who understand you and care for you. You can make it through this!


I feel like i am losing myself, ive been unemployed for more than a year, I was involved in a car accident 2MONTHS ago. A month ago I lost my flat because of electrical fault and I lost everything o literally wear the same clothes for days, man it feels like I’m just being followed by bad luck or dark spirit. People i used to hang out with done even check upp on me instead they gossip and talk behind my back. Like what would one doin my position.


im really sorry for all of that. cut these people off your life and dont lose hope. theres a lesson to be taken . try and find where you did wrong and then try again. you can also pray, this and you not stopping to try and fix it all will make everything better.


I am feeling like i have no hope of getting job. I have lost my love just for not having government job. I have lost faith of my parents. I am 26 years old unemployed man. I have done a lot of mistakes in my life. I am feeling depressed. Even I don’t have financial support.


y’know, i’m gonna pray for you dear. life is hard, i know how it is. when someone needs help they let it out on you. when its your turn, you have absolutely nothing. you feel like your about to fall off the edge, but you keep hanging on for other people. i keep thinking, what if i just let go?.. i bet so many people think that too… its hard, im sorry that your going through this. so many people alone, left in the dark to decay slowly. your basically about to fall off the cliff, but you cant just yet, others need you. some people might say your an attention seeker or your crazy. ive cut myself before, badly. im about to die, darling dont leave just yet. its gonna be hard, im 11 and im already leaving this early. dont do the same, if anything happens, don’t think its ur fault, its life’s and you cant control that. if you get lucky, you can pull yoursef back up the trail, but if your not like me, your gonna fall down to your death. i love you.

Samuel @leumas

Went through each and everyone’s comment here and almost everything you guys are going through, I’m also in the same shoes.
Right now I’m on the verge of giving up, like all this can’t be happening to me😢😢, would i call it bad luck or something worse than that…

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I can relate to you so much. Lately, I’ve been feeling the same way. I feel like I have no one to talk to. I try to be there for other people, and I give my hundred per cent, but when I need someone, guess what? I have no one to talk to 😭

If you wanna talk, I’m here for you 🧡


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