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Sexual HealthThought


To be honest
Don’t you feel boys have a little more lust than girls
Ya they have but we can’t deny it
As a male sometimes I feel bad about it
(Lets talk in manner way about it )

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But boy miss behave more than girls
And they act desperate


Again as the stated above, guys clearly show their intensions, while girls usually don’t do that, bcs “the society” Perceive it differently


Yes guys misbehaves because there is a pre assumption feeling they have ki Manalunga request karleta hu and is chakkar mein they go crazy! Girls in the other hand they get a man easily so they don’t try to request or force anyone

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No the idea is I have known so many guys, who if they found that girls is lusting over them they will give her a chance they don’t think much ki if they too like her in that way or not! I am not saying about all guys here, but I know some guys who sees it as opportunity ki kar lete h hamara kya hi jayega! That’s the basic thinking of most of the guys! And girls in other hand even if they have crush on someone they find it very hard to involve with them because of lots of news happening today! So yeah it’s trust issues for girls and opportunities for guys! Ye hota h mostly


Ladki na kiya toh vo buri hai aur ladka na kiya toh vo star
She can’t lose it is pride.
If he did it than it is pride

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Ladki ki izzat, aur ladke ke liye Gaurav…



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I have a best friend from 5+ years he is guy and I am girls I am quite beautiful now than I was 5 years back! 5 years back he use to treat me like kid (I was 20 then and he was 24) he got married at 28 and he is 29/30 now and I am 25 he started lusting over me!! And it feels so humiliating and cheating on my pure friendship feelings! I know he has his own issues with his arranged marriage (he is not attracted to her at all) but what he did to me and doing to his wife is so wrong!! Today he started requesting me begging me for few things and only I know how I got out of that situation! I feel bad for him bad for his wife bad for me and my friendship! 5 years of friendship pure feeling everything is gone just for one lust feeling!!


Oh dear😟
I can’t even imagine how tough it could be to come up from that situation, and the friendship


That what i am saying 😞




It’s pure lust! He was always a decent and nice guys but he changed a lot after marriage! He realised that he is not attracted or many satisfied with his wife but he don’t want to leave her for that one reason! So he is finding his satisfaction everywhere else! He started flirting with my friends first I warned him that what he is doing is morally wrong! He didn’t care what I said and then among evry one he started lusting over me the most! He wants things to be kept secret but all this is very much disturbing to me! I am not in same page as him! Honestly since he was elder I remember how he was a fatherly figure to me! But things changed so much and I feel like my friend is dead!


Are you still contact with him


Thank you for the concern! Though I really feel I should tell all these to his wife! But I don’t want to hurt her or break their marriage! I have blocked the guy from everywhere but the situation is so disturbing and saddening to me personally! Guys are really crazy! I know a line from old Hindi poet “purush mein thodi pashutha hoti h wahin usko Purush banati h” and that seems so true day by day


No I blocked him from everywhere now! But personally I am not feeling fine with whatever his happening! At times I feel like telling his wife and at times I feel like kot spoiling their life so I just left him alone! Now I am just left with me to deal with!!




May be


I can’t understand it, it’s not just s#x. It is a important perspect on any relationship


Even if he is single you don’t like him so it doesn’t going to happen


Most of them***

Not all


Sex is important marriage of life I understand but I think he should openly talk to his wife about all this than lusting like an animals everywhere! From being a very good guy to seeing him turning like a pervert break me the most!! I hope he just find his right path one day!


And sorry everyone for grammatical mistakes!! I was just so emotional I didn’t realise! Now I see I wrote so many words wrong!


“We” too🙃


People’s values don’t change their behaviour does




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