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This one is for affect of working from home for a fresher. I graduated in 2021 and much like everyone else, had a defined career path post college. I joined the best law firm and worked with market leaders but it was toxic. Toxic in a way that you had to sit infront of a screen and just get screamed at, left, right and centre. There would be days I would doubt my capabilities and just ask where I went wrong because I was the only one amongst my peers who faced this. In India, fresh graduates with a preference to build their career in a field of their choice are looked down upon. I was a victim of such forced situation as well.

I fell sick and decided to quit it. I jumped in the uncertain waters with the fear of not knowing what lies ahead. Today I have run pillar to post trying to find a job for myself with a wonderful CV but all I get is HR’s not replying toy emails. What’s even more funny is you seem them posting on Linkedin about how it’s not okay to leave emails unread.
Today I sit and read articles on corporate law but I am as directionless as a compass in magnetic field. There is no one to guide and no matter how many attempts you make to reach out to someone, everything in vain.

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