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This is my first post i guess. So first off hey guys. So today was really messed up. My family is literally falling apart and i don‘t know what to do about it. My younger sister is always hurting someone especially my mother. My parents are constantly fighting. Today my mother was screaming and crying because of my sister. I felt so bad for my mother. It was my first time seeing my mother cry. Everyone thinks i have a perfect family but really i do not. My parents also think I should do more with myself and they are always giving me the feeling that I am not good enough for them. They want me to change and they think they should take my friends away. I really hate this life. I think they deserve a better daughter but I just don‘t know how I should change myself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Hey there , are you okay ?


Hey! I think I get what you’re going through cuz my family is kinda similar. We have fights always. Sometimes I fight w dad so much that we don’t talk for weeks on end.
I think at one point, I just zoned myself out? I don’t know how to explain this. But then I take it one day at a time. I tell myself it’s just one day. 24 hours. Can get through it. Someday soon things will be much much better and you’ll be so happy with yourself. You don’t need to change yourself for someone.
I hope you feel better now. Things will get better. I promise. Just give it time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Yes, this needs time . Everything will be okay. Even I think sometimes that my family doesn’t understand me but as you said it’s just 24 hours and day will get better after that


Thank you both🥺


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