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This is just ventingā€¦it may make no sense, I apologize, but here it is.

Iā€™m struggling like anyone else who has depression and anxiety trying to make it through. Iā€™ve felt that I can be pretty optimistic despite my downfalls as a woman, such as sexual abuse, scars from surgery, alopeciaā€¦just to name a fewā€¦all hurting my self-esteemā€¦but heyā€¦i figure lifeā€™s not all about trying to impress menā€¦

But reallyā€¦if I dont have looks, and my ā€œdreamsā€ arenā€™t cutting outā€¦family is distantā€¦no friendsā€¦and no loveā€¦then I dont have muchā€¦ Iā€™m not one to look up to celebsā€¦but iconic role models iā€™ve looked up to like gave had it all i.m.o. ā€¦and influence others through music, words and actionā€¦and still take their livesā€¦I feel pretty insignificant in the wake of those decisionsā€¦and im really struggling to find a purposeā€¦i am not one to believe in God though i respect religion and faithā€¦but i believe in scienceā€¦because if God were realā€¦why and others sufferingā€¦by merely trying to be optismisticā€¦

Obviously this post the oppositeā€¦vut as I saidā€¦I just needed to ventā€¦as I feel myself slowly getting closer to a decision I feel Iā€™ll soon makeā€¦but fear

3 replies

Hi, I can totally relate to you. I have been dealing with Alopecia too since I was 6 years old and Iā€™ve mostly been made to believe that I wonā€™t get someone to love me because of my problems. Because I donā€™t have good eyebrows. With time I realised that life is not about getting a man and itā€™s about keeping yourself content and happy and thatā€™s what I focus on now. I donā€™t care about what anyone else thinks of me. Iā€™m done with all that. Built up that self confidence and self love over time. Staying optimistic is necessary, for yourself and for your own peace of mind.


One of the biggest mistakes you can make is comparing your happiness to someone elseā€™s (especially a celebrity). The truth is that no oneā€™s life is perfect and you should strive to be the best version of yourself and find your own happiness. You remind me of Marilyn Monroe who also faced similar difficulties in her upbringing similar to yours. She still, even through the pain, pushed to be a positive influence on the world. Michael Jackson might have had a major impact on the world but if you watch his documentaries and interviews, it was at the cost of physical abuse and the loss of his entire childhood. Even on his death bed in his audio tape, at 50 years old, his lack of a childhood still brings him great pain and drives him to continue to help children all around the world.

The best advice I can give is to focus on finding your own path to happiness instead of comparing your life to other peopleā€™s perceived happiness. I canā€™t even begin to imagine what you have gone through in your life but I want you to remember that no matter how depressed or anxious you are, there are people in this world that care about you and love you. This comment is a clear example of that. Iā€™m simply a stranger who felt emotionally compelled to send some positive energy your way.

Iā€™ve struggled with anxiety in the past and still do to this day so I feel your pain. Youā€™re extremely strong to keep moving forward even when times are rough. If you feel like your mental health is too much for you to handle alone, seek a therapist or psychiatrist to help you manage it. As for your friends and family, try your absolute hardest to make friends but to also keep negative people as far away as possible. If itā€™s at all possible to become closer to family members you feel are a good influence, please try to strengthen those bonds. Iā€™m an atheist but my view on life is that I donā€™t know why iā€™m here or why any of us even exist or what happens after we die but while weā€™re here lets make the best of it while we can because the time you spend with your family, friends and working towards your own happiness, is the only luxury. We live in a very materialistic world where fame, money, and power are viewed as success, when in reality, thatā€™s further from the truth.

Hope this helped. Please stay safe :).


Wow, thank yoh. I have not much to say after reading that except thank you anfld U wish the best for you too. Keep on fighhting the good fight. Appreciate your words.


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