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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


This guy and decided to break up last June due to relationship problems. I asked for a break so I could get over a few things. We still communicated but I just needed time to overcome some stuff.
2 months later his dad passes away.
He had to hide away his pain and be there for his family, and being a brother to a younger sister and a friend to his mom, he has alot to shoulder. He closed off that side of him. I don’t blame him, I could never understand what he is going through.
But I still love him till this current day because when my world was falling apart he just came in and calmed my situation. He feels like home which is something I’ve never really felt due to issues.
He knows how I feel and I told him I would wait for him no matter how long it takes.
I miss him so much. Everything around him constantly reminds me of him, its so hard to go on like this.
Sometimes I doubt there will be an us and I want to walk away but it’s so hard I can’t because he makes me feel like I’m okay as a person. It hurts and I miss him so much.
I don’t really know what to do anymore

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He never introduced me to his family, it’s a bit complicated.
I know his sister and we are good friends


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