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Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

These past eight months have been the worst of my life. I feel like I have lost my soul and my joy. I am not the only one suffering - everyone and everything around me, including my pets, are in pain. This has been a hellish period, and I don’t know if we will ever recover from it. Even if we escape this hell, I doubt we will be normal humans again. We will be like mannequins with no emotions. The bad times have drained all the feelings out of our bodies and I’m not sure we will survive.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @optimistic_hug
Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark
6 replies

Hey don’t worry everything will be all right ,because I’m also stufferd past 4 year now everything oky…so only remember “”ye time nikal jayega””
And plz takcr your pets (baby) be happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

Unfortunately, my second cat died, the little one. Thanks for your message though

Profile picture for Now&Me member @optimistic_hug

🌺✨️ @optimistic_hug

heyy donr worry … and dont loose hopes for anything just remember that time will heal everything u just need to be strong enough and talk about ur prblms so that everything that is in ur heart just pour out and feel relaxed

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

Time is something that I need most to sort out my issues. It’s something that is running out for me. It’s like God has put a stopwatch on me. My days and time are outnumbered.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @optimistic_hug

🌺✨️ @optimistic_hug

Dont worry a lot just have a faith on yourself…
everything will be fine and perfect according to you…
keep smiling😇💖


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