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There is so much negativity around me due to covid. people are dying Tera relatives and happy and sad and everybody is distressed so much negative how do I keep up the so much negativity around me?

2 replies

TBH you can’t . You can surely minimise the negative vibes tho …
I was tested positive a few months ago and was in the home insolation. It felt horrible. I even heard some of my relatives recently had been tested positive and I’m scared to lose them … I often cry due to this.

But for a few days, I’m just ignoring whatever is happening. Doing my own thing which calms me … And it really helped. I have made a good amount of social media friend … And mostly spend my time on social media … And avoid certain things that might trigger a panic attack… That’s the best thing to do


Being myself a medico…i can intervene isn’t it ?
So just want to convey that positivity is the key in these distressed times and while writing this i am still thinking of those patients whom i have seen crying for help and i couldn’t not do anything sadly…i was just not ready to accept the fact that i could not do anything for them…but that didn’t stoped me or any other from our fraternity not to be in a postive setting and we just still keeep on working hard in our PPEs to make our nation free from this invisible invader !! Just keep calm and everything would be fine just relax and do try out some meditation 🌺


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