Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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There are so many things there in me. I hide it so well. Like not from others but from me too. Pretend like they don’t exist till the point I forget they exist. And I never acknowledge them. But some days. It just hit so hard. Everything feels so heavy and stuff like I am suffocating in my own body. How do u deal with problems u never fucking acknowledged to begin with. When You are not ready to accept that they exist. But that doesn’t decrease the effect though. It hits with so much force that I just want to cry. It’s like worst form of break down and helpless ness. Where I fail to realise which thing is more hard. Which part is hurting me more coz I can’t even differentiate the problems. I don’t know anymore. It’s just so fucking suffocating…

6 replies

First of all take a breath and calm and take things one at a time.


When I don’t even know what are the things… What to take slowly??

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It’s not at all about others. It’s all about Me. Result of my own expectations from me. My hopes. My dreams. My lonliness. My pain. It’s all Me.

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I guess so. I will surely try to focus more on other things. I hope that will make it better. Thank you 🫰


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