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Therapy is expensive so let me give this a try… staying in a new city and my crippling anxiety has got the best of me …I don’t have the motivation to leave my room or even open my windows or take a walk outside,also the fact that I’m in my twenties and not figuring out what i want to do in life has made me so miserable i hear other people talking about their passion and them working on it with their best actually made me feel jealous, everything is so confusing and i have no idea what I’m going to do with my life …

2 replies

Shreya @5d5

I’m going through the exact same thing. I lost my mom 2 months back and now I’m in a strange city with no one around me. And i don’t even have the energy to make efforts to go out and know people. And I’m not even sure i have anything likeable about me. So here I am at 2.30am crying about it and talking to a screen. Can’t afford actual therapy lol


You’re not the only one crying about it same here ❤️ sending tight virtual hugs to you too 🤗


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