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Profile picture for Now&Me member @srishti_2022

Srishti @srishti_2022

Then der comes a time where in a moment you get a rush of emotions that u can’t control, that rush of memories that come to ur mind while eating a waffle or having a coffee or taking a walk under the stars!

Still u can’t explain anyone what’s inside ur head and again u start figuring out what went wrong!

How can someone forget everything happened!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laurel
Profile picture for Now&Me member @srishti_2022
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @laurel

Atharv Kishor @laurel

Exactly yaar aur kisi ko bta bhi nhi skte nhi to log maje lene lagte hai🥲

Profile picture for Now&Me member @srishti_2022

Srishti @srishti_2022

Yes correct they start thinking that you are so stupid


It’s hard to let go of some things, but if you weren’t happy in doing those things then they weren’t worth it anyways. And in the end it just becomes an act of letting things go.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @srishti_2022

Srishti @srishti_2022

Yes letting go is important

Vickey @vickey03

I can totally relate to this, going with the same phase. Everyone says time heal all trouble and I am hope its true.


Nops it doesn’t heal, it make us strong enough to move with the feeling around


Same i can relate with this too. We always thing were where things got out of hands. But it just i have realised this meant to happen, just work on yourself now.


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