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qasypeia_ @qasypeia_

The school has a connecting tunnel/hallway to the Mall. Me and some of my classmates went there passing by the library. We then get out to the garden searching for the friends we’re about to meet. change of background a big shadow is approaching. We hide under the railings hoping they won’t see us. I can feel and I know they saw us because I was the last one to hide. But they didn’t bother. As I look on my side, there’s a small window. Inside is a bedroom and a sala. It looks like a small person, a girl, is living here. The area is covered with pink paint and all the things are in pink. ‘All of you get out of there’. I was stunned when I heard their voice. We get up and face them. They’re looking for someone…

It was a dream and I forgot what’s the next thing that happened. I woke up because of the bird poking my window. Silly.

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lhgghk @ney_room

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