Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @mangoice

Mango @mangoice

Tell me something your grateful for today <3 or something that made you happy

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @omax
7 replies

Im grateful that me and my therapist had a good session, I learn more about my negative thinking and gain the inspiration to change it! Im also grateful that my grandmother and I went christmas shopping together and I got some clothes

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @omax

a mind @omax

have just finished a lecture on software engineering. I hope they die. :}

Courtlyn @coco15

I am grateful for being alive and the ability to function with no issues and for my family and friends!


For alive


I got to eat cooked banana.

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

I am grateful that my friend is finally going to become a lawyer.

Unicorn @rashmi2505

I’m grateful for each and every second of my life. All the bad times all the good times I’m grateful for everything


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