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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

STORY OF MY LIFE. I literally FUCK EVERYTHING up. From my relationships with family to literally everyone else. I kinda just wanna end it. I also fucked up myself. I cant control my fucking actions and i seem to not give a fuck about the consequences because i end up doing it over and over again. I steal, cheat, lie, manipulate, decive and not care for anyone but myself. I WANT TO CHANGE SO BAD BUT MY BAD HABITS ARE PREVENTING ME FROM DOING SO. I wish i had a different life with out the drama, mental health issues, family issues and my mind set. I HAVE A PROBLEM and idk how to fucking fix it by myself. ALL i have left is my dad and I am so mean to him. i seem to disrepect him more than anyone else in my life and hes all i have left. (i literally just broke down crying bc i hate myself for what ive become. I think im going to cut, cry and drink my life away. Wish me luck…
If you read this comment down below so i know that at least some one knows what’s going on with me. Give me advice and help me out. i just don’t know what to do anymore. i continuously struggle with myself and my thoughts.

5 replies

Fortunately, even though what you’re going through may feel unique to you, it actually isn’t-

“What has been is what will be,
And what has been done will be done again;
There is nothing new under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 1:9

This means that if others have learned to overcome similar or even worse conditions, why can’t you?

“They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.” -Psalms 126:5


i think if you tell your dad, about how you feel, then maybe he could get you help


i have a problem trying to open up to any of my family members tho. like if they were strangers then id have no problem knowing id never see them again.


i understand how you feel, ive been feeling like a disappointment myself. but it’s important to know that your dad loves you very much. what i did for myself was i tackled one problem at a time. try working on being nice to your dad, and then try owning up to your mistakes. if you cant control your lying, tell the truth right after you lie. also, try to get professional help, i think you have mild narcissism, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just a mental condition. consult a doctor. i hope you’re doing better now, and if you’re not, i promise you it will get better.


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