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Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like had covid-19 and quarantine never been a thing. This pandemic truly ruined a lot for me, so much was taken away from me without even realizing it. I never had the time to process anything and everything just happened too fast, I never thought I’d end up like this. My last year at the school I had been in since I was two years old, the people I grew up around and never had a chance to say goodbye to, the graduation we should’ve had, the person my life revolved around and having to come to terms that we wouldn’t be seeing each other in a long time. I ended up moving to another city after spending all my life in the same town, going into a new and horrible school, and meeting people that meant nothing to me and whom I learned nothing from. I feel like I wasted two years, the end of 2020, 2021 and so far 2022 have been the least meaningful years of my life, a complete waste. I still wish I could wake up to find myself still in march 2020 and find out this has only been a nightmare. Things might slowly start going back to normal but who will give me back the time I lost?? who will bring back what was taken away from me?? I can’t go back to my old high school and finish that year properly no matter how much I want it. I feel like I should move on but my routine was broken in such a sudden way that I still get the feeling that I’m just waiting for the time to go back yet I just got into college, I never had the closure I expected so I can’t get used to the change yet. I miss everyone so much, I miss everything I used to do, i miss it all.

4 replies

MAN @slytherin


I guess you are not the only one who has lost his time we all have suffered from this a lot regardless of gender and age some have lost their childhood or some have lost an opportunity some have lost their dear ones or some have lost themselves only. So in the end we all are in the same boat…


I know that and I didn’t intend to make this about myself. This is just how it has personally affected me, but it’s true we are in the same boat, unfortunately :( Once my life was finally getting better, once I was starting to be happy again it was right when this had to happen to me. Had it happened any other time in my life I wouldn’t have minded that much, the timing was just the worst they could’ve possibly picked. Now I’m just incredibly lonely and I feel like I’ll stay like this for a while and I’m so tired already. I guess this really sucked for so many, I also lost people from my family, I ended up falling sick from all of the stress and my mental health had never been this bad. To be honest, I don’t know how I made it this far, I hated my new high school so much I even considered dropping out, the fact that I made it this far is already enough to be grateful for. I really wish this was just a dream, and like you said I’m sure lots of us would wish for the same, if i could have just one wish granted that would be my wish. To go back in time and have this never happen.


I know what you might have been going through as we all have suffered in some way. Sending you much love and power to heal πŸ’› πŸ«‚πŸ’«πŸ₯ΊπŸ€— I know i can’t lesser your pain but i believe you that you will surely overcome from this pain.


Thank youu<3


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