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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sethias

Sometimes i am super happy but sometimes i am very sad. Some days i feel i can manage things so well. But wen there are bad days i feel horrible to the extent of thinking about taking my life as well. I was never such a person. I was always happy chirpy bol smart confident nd self motivated. But ever since i got married things changed. My MIL is the biggest problm in my life ryt now. Wen shes around( which is most of the time) i feel damn depressed. Nd wen she is not around. I feel like that happy chirpy confident girl. Its a long story. I dnt knw how to express all here. Also i dont knw if someone has the patience to listen to me. But i badly need someone. May b therapist or a frnd who can help me get through this. Because now its not possible for me to handle everythng alone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sethias
14 replies

I think you should share this w your husband. It’ll be the best for you.


He knows. He asks me to ignore her. But howlong can i ignore someone with whom i live 24/7


That’s truly a helpless situation. But ignoring her is the only thing you can do. Either try to bond w her, try to get her maybe? Like in a way that she’s atleast tolerable. Other wise just ignore her and do you responsibilities and confide in your husband. You can share things w him right? :))


I have tried every single thing to make her happy. But she is always findingy faults n mistake. I dnt knw how to ignore her.


Heyy, yes there can be days where you feel happy and days when you feel sad and depressed. But, don’t wait for people to change, whoever it is. Your best friend, your parents, your significant other, or your MIL. Just try facing situations tactfully and practically. Now, this may seem a lot to take in, but in the long-run, this would help you a lot. And there is a common stereotype, that once someone gets married, he/she/they lose the freedom they’ve had, which is absolutely now true. If you struggle to keep it in, I advise you to talk to a loved one, someone you trust. You can always talk to me if you want. Always remember, you are loved and taking your life away doesn’t solve the problem, you’re just running away from it.


I knw taking away my life is a very stupid thought. Somewher i am aware i should not do dat but it kps on coming wenever things go otherwise. I have talked to my loved ones. But all of themadvice me to ignore her nd adjust. But m losing myself day by day in this adjusting n ignoring thing. Me alone is the sufferor. Nd now everyone thinks m negative which i have become.but i also become such a person wen she is around. She has that aura of forcing person into trouble. Yes since i dont knw u i can talk to u.


No hun, it’s not a stupid thought. You don’t always have to ignore and adjust. You have a whole life in front of you, you cannot spend it by the β€˜ignore and adjust’ method. It doesn’t always work. You can either be bold and stern and talk it out to her and your husband. At the end of the day, it’s your life and it matters. And no, you’re not negative, and people saying that about you doesn’t make you negative. Again, you can talk to me whenever. <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sethias

U know i have talked to her to my hubby to FIL … to the entire house. Eveeybody knows where the prob lies. They make her undrrstand… Sometimes me also. But she is so adamant that she dont wanna change herself. I asked my husband to move out someplace alone but he refuses so m stuck. Nor can i leave my husband neither can i stay eith my MIL. But i have to stay. Amd thinking about this makes me sick everytime and i go into depressed type of state at once. And thanku for sparing time and talkng to me


If there is, in any way, i can help, dont ever hesitate to tell me. We all care, now and always. All the love <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sethias

I do want help. But idk how u can help me. But any help is welcome. Thanku ❀️

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sethias

Can we talk?


heyyy, yes we can!


i really am sorry i couldnt reply earlier


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