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Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14

Someone once asked me what I am most afraid of, and my brain sent me back to my childhood. Every night, dinner would be ready by 9pm and my mother would wait for my dad to arrive before she could start eating. When he fell out of love, he started coming home later. Sometimes 1 hour later or sometimes 3 hours later. After a while my mother started losing weight and the bags under her eyes were more and more visible because she refused to eat and sleep until he came home. I was no longer scared of monsters in my closet, or of the dark. I was scared of loving someone and they stop loving me back.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jennefer_06
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gin_ger
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14

Sorry for saying this…this is part of my story which is releasing soon …it’s not a real…TQ u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jennefer_06

Aparna @jennefer_06

Don’t losse ur hope of losing ur loved ones ur mom is the true and loyal lover she loved ur father a lot it’s ur father fault that he lost the love of a wonderful women.
The feeling when someone is waiting for us that looks 😍😍😍
Anyway don’t loose hope in the losing of a loved one it depends on the people u choose whom u wants to keep in ur life☺️😍

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gin_ger

Ginger @gin_ger

Well that is almost my real story !!!


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