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Mental WellbeingThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn


there are people whose days immediately become better the moment you walk into a room. it’s okay if you’re having a hard day, a hard week, or a hard year, but know that I’m going to sit right here with you. the way you see the world is it’s own type of remarkable, and I’m thankful you are willing to share it with me. you don’t need every single person in the world to love you -just the ones who truly want to be close to you. there are people who deeply miss you when you aren’t around; your absence is an ache they carry with them. I am deeply inspired to know you. I’m so proud of you for all that you’ve done, and all that you will do. you are going to fail sometimes, and it’s okay it’s part of the process. you will also succeed in more ways than you can count, the way you show kindness and love to others is something that the world needs more of, so please don’t hold it back. even on the days where you aren’t sure if you matter at all, where you are convinced that you are so insignificant that you couldn’t possibly have an effect on anyone, I need you to remember this: you may not matter to every single person who exists in this world, but there are those whose world wouldn’t be complete, wouldn’t be whole

without you in it.


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Skyscraper @blended_acros...

That is so inspiring and so well written. Thankyou, i kinda needed that in my life.

jaydev @patan



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