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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Some one asked me to write a love letter for them

I did try to write but not sure how it is

Everything looks just perfect but suddenly my departure made us feel all emotions sometimes we fought sometimes you cries some days you have ignored somedays you were clingy ! All because you love me but little did you know the moment i got my visa the whole family is celebrating but only i know what i am leaving behind ! No i wanted to tell you I don’t wanna leave you but

I closed my eyes for a moment and I could see a moment for. Future

Where I was busy on the call you were busy in the kitchen cooking Maggie for us , we had spent all the day in the living room watching your favourite anime and suddenly i realised I am going to give you a better life which will make us happy ever after!

So you are my only love!! Things will be tough all the time but i will never let go of this hand!!

I Love you to the moon and back

I just want you to know

You are the reason I wake up and only you can make me strong
Your smile gives me reasons to live

These are the words I want you to remember

you know butterflies can’t see the color of their wings,

but us as humans can see how beautiful they are.

likewise, you might not think

you’re good enough for me but…

Only I know how special and amazing you are.

Even though a butterfly cannot see its own wings it still knows how beautiful it is

So even though I might not be by your side all the time I wish you would be strong

There is no one who can replace your place in my life ! Because you are the only one my soul wishes for!!!

If only I could name our story I wish it would be A tale of a perfect and casual

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju
37 replies

Wow…is it a true story happened with you…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Not mine someone wants to confess but they don’t have words so i wrote for them


So you have written all this on behalf of that person…thats so beautiful and cherishing story…a story with mixture of emotions…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju



Btw at what time do you sleep…are you awake from whole night…you were awake before i went to sleep…you are awake after i woke up…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Yes i am awake


Ohh…so at what time you sleep…because i feel its already late for you…and i dont know at what time you sleep and wake up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Not feeling sleepy


Ohh…so what are you doing btw…you had your lunch…


I’m writing!! I had lunch wat about you


What are you writing btw…would you like to share…I will have lunch after a while…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Sure I’m writing a story

Idk @_idk_

Woah! That’s hard to believe, but beautiful to imagine.
I’m curious! How you guys came up with the idea? Like did the person told you to write and then sharing their story and you were the one plucking out important - meaningful things out of it, and writing such a Beautiful Letter! Or something else?
And that’s not a part of your story, right? I mean that’s an actual real love letter?

Either way, it’s beautiful!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Yes real letter

Idk @_idk_

What about the first question? How you guys came up?


Ohh wow…story on which genre…and on which topic is your storyline based…i would like to read it once you finish writing it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Sure i can send you!ping me as i don’t want to share it here


Yes i will…soon…btw did you get good sleep…and do you have work today…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I slept for a couple of hours ! I don’t have work today


Ohh…thats nice…so what are your plans for now…for tonight …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju



Wow…you are so creative…you are a story writer…you are a painter…thats soo awesome …btw what are you going to paint now…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Night sky


Woww…thats so awesome thing…how much time does it take to draw the entire thing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I’m not really good at arts i just do because that makes me calm


But its good right…you are taking initiatives to make yourself feel better in this suffocating world…you might have slowly become expert in all that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Hahah!! Yeah

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I would suggest you text me!! Today!! Upto you again


Yaa i also want to…but my insecurity…and bad experiences with people here…thats why i have been adoring you since i talked to you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

That’s why I said to text!! Remember i m not a person who judge others


I never told you will jugde me…and i know you wont…its such that i didnt had good experiences with any of the person i have connected to…everyone disappeared…and i dont want you to disappear after getting connected…thats why

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

I don’t disappear I just sometimes don’t get time to come but once I’m back i talk



Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

It’s up to you to text or not!! I have asked enough! It’s up to you! I don’t mind


I will message you very soon…but i guess i made you little uncomfortable…i am sorry for that…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wooju

Wooju @wooju

Nothing like that




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