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3am ThoughtsThought

Anonymous @sani021

So yesterday I was not feeling well…basically I was sick so I took my phone and called my boyfriend at the middle of the night… He wasn’t asleep back then and I just told him to talk for few minutes so that I could feel a bit better … But him rather than asking me anything about how am I feeling, spoke so rudely to me…and since yesterday I feel guilty that i called him… I mean how could someone be so inhumane…why can’t people care when someone is in need for the same!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99
Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99

shiva kumar @shivavolley99

Don’t depend on others…miss.anonymous…especially when you need someone emotionally…you should take care of your emotions and you are the only one who knows how much your emotions are valuable…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

does he talk like that to you often or it happened just yesterday?

Anonymous @sani021

Most of the times it’s just me who wants to talk to him and it’s me who calls him…he most of the times don’t call me…it feels as if I’m the one who keeps on disturbing him…and he talks to me so arrogantly…I feel as if he doesn’t want to talk to me…this is how makes me feel most of the time nowadays…and he has an expertise in avoiding necessary conversations regarding this relationship…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

its looks like he isnt looking forward with the relationship or he might be having some troubles . You should meet him in person and talk about it.


It’s better to leave him and find someone who cares for you and asks about you…Good luck !!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

leaving someone without knowing or giving reasons is not good though 😶


If the opposite person is not valuing you and your feelings then what’s the point in staying in that kind of relationship…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

like i said…better to know the reasons first


Yaa…after knowing the reason if u feel like that person is not valuing u then u can leave that person


Girl he is not interested in u

Anonymous @sani021

Yeah even I think so


Look talk to him once
bt if he insult u Or talk rudely leave him
Immaturity is not ur responsibility to take care of him


Belive me he is confused and is just keeping you as an option. Don’t be blind by your feelings. I wasted a year like this. He has lost his feeling for you but is just hanging because you still are into this relationship. Soon a day will come and he will snap the breakup on your blaming you for it. Just stop caring od these things anymore

Sanket @sanket

Can he be busy at that hour or annoyed?


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