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3am ThoughtsThought


So today was my maths exam and i am so much disappointed rn! Cause i knew more than 90% of question paper but due to slow speed i couldnt attempt all the questions. I am so so sad! I have lost all my hopes for my other exams. I left so many questions whose answers i knew very well. But something bad always happens with me . No matter how hard I try, how i hard i pray, how hard I try to stay positive,at the end it’s only me who has to suffer even after so much hardwork. All my friends attempted all the questions and they were quite happy but me. Ugh.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05
Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05

Aditya @aditya05

It’s okk
Sometimes this happens with everyone , but next time just try to solve 2-3 sample question paper before final paper 😊😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

It is totally fine try using timer when solving a question and you’ll know which models slow you and which don’t. Then practise the ones that take more time eventually they’ll be easier and quicker to solve. It’s the problems that take time to be solved, you aren’t slow. All the best!

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