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Mental WellbeingThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

So this message is for someone who is going through a tough phase…

listen …
it must be real hard to understand what’s going on inside your mind, must be an havoc right?
everyone’s says everything’s gonna be okay
but the only question comes to your mind is ’ when?’
you must be tired from everything in this life
and postive attitude not always works on your side…
but today I’m here to tell you, no matter how happy you will be, it won’t last long if its always because of someone else but not because of you…if your happiness kept on depending on how someone’s treated you, of how someone make you feel loved, happy, it won’t last long… because no matter how good the other person is… they are going to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally…so keep your expectations to no-one else but to yourself… because once you start appreciating your presence, your love, your care ,your value in your life… things will definitely gets better with time…i know healing is real messy for you, but it just require your faith on yourself this time…

and look at you such an amazing pure soul you are…love yourself little bit more today…take good care of yourself and please be patient with your healing…you got this mate :)
Remeber this time its all about you for you… 💛🧡💚💙
- Queen 👑

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Crystal @aa



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