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Mental HealthThought


So there is this guy, we both like each other and we even kissed and made out couple of times. It feels like I have stronger feelings for him but he just likes me and he told he is not sure of what we are and can’t commit because of his family and stuff. I just want to be in the present, with him and I just want to go with the flow. The thing is I don’t have much friends. I always wait for his texts, I want him to take me out, spend more time with me. I get angry or I breakdown, even cry most of the times when he can’t text me, he doesn’t take me out weekends but go out with his friends and I swear like I won’t talk to him ever again. But at the end of the day I end up talking to him and when I think of his position now it feels like he does care for me. He has other jobs to do too, his friendship is older than our relationship and they deserve the time together. He did come all the way to my house when I felt low and hungry for many days. He does spend time with me. I feel like may be I am pressuring him too much because he is the only person I have whom I am close to. I am just confused here. Am I overthinking stuffs or is he really not caring at all? Please say something how not to over think if I am or else how to over come these thoughts.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @athousandslives
5 replies

I think that you are in your head a bit. Honestly take the night for yourself. Shut your phone off and take a bath or shower. Watch your favorite movie or show. Get some snacks. If you are worried abt him while you are doing that , just text him and say “I’m taking the night for myself, I’ll talk to you in the morning , thanks for being a good friend” and turn your phone off. Idk if it’ll help or not but sometimes when I’m so invested in a guy I forget who I am. And sometimes you need that reminder. You are all you have. And that’s powerful.


Thank you so much🥺


Of course! I hope you find who you are and what you want They can get you far in life


Thanks ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @athousandslives

I definitely agree. Invest time in yourself. People learn how to treat you based on how you treat yourself. Love yourself. And if you have to beg a person to invest in you then maybe they aren’t for you.


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