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Bulimia NervosaThought


So I’m on the path of recovery AGAIN but it’s better this time. I checked my weight today in the morning and I increased 2 kgs which seems so little but god I wanna punish myself so bad. The bloating the irritation the nagging is getting to me and I just don’t wanna eat anymore at first it was okay but now I know it’s because I love sweets and bulimia never stopped me from eating anything. I found my fear food. I’m getting myself back but the question in my brain is it worth it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ashy09876
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Yeah it’s worth it…take care of your health

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ashy09876

Mithila Singh @ashy09876

It’s all worth it. I’m on a journey myself and damn it’s hard but all for the better


All the best I understand it’s hard but you trying makes me sooo proud


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