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So I haven’t told anyone about this yet cause I don’t want people to think I’m crazy or anything but lately I started to have more hallucinations than usual.
In the past (when I was younger) I had small visual hallucinations, they were mostly dark shadows, I told my mom but she just said that’s all in my head and to shake it off. After a week of starting my first day of college I started to hallucinate a lot more. Once I woke up smelling some kind of dessert my mom used to cook when I was younger and that was weird because she hasn’t made that in years. Lately my hallucinations started to scare me because I keep hearing things like loud weird sounds like someone talking but idk what it says sometimes is just a figure with no face it’s just a dark shadow but it looks real, sometimes it’s moving sometimes its staring at me. Usually the hallucinations happens in the night or dark or in a quiet place.
Guys I’m scared and I know that if I’m telling my mother about this she’s just gonna say that it’s nothing, please tell me what do I do…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bookish
Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bookish

John A. @bookish


Hello. My best advice is to seek professional help. I assume you are still in college. Seek out mental health services and see if they can be assistance. If not, then seek professional help in your community. For something like what your describing, I feel I can’t offer any advice except from that of a professional. You’re brave in telling your story to us. Thank you. Maybe someone else here can offer some advice to you. Otherwise, please seek out a professional in determining and diagnosing your condition and the best treatment for you. Don’t be scared in taking this step.


Yes professional help would be better


Make yourself a dream catcher, I know that’s for bad energy and bad dreams too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403

Raj Chauhan @raj1403


Oh god this is serious, you have a situation and we can’t ignore it anymore.
You have come to a conclusion that it’s hallucination but it might not be exactly that.

I would like you to talk to your mom about it.

Also try using a small πŸ”ͺ knife under your pillow before you go to bed. It’s not superstition it’s all about positive and negative energy.

Also seek help with some experts online itself.

β€œPracto” is an app where you can consult doctors of various kinds. I suppose we can get some insights from them. Also you need to take 2-3 opinion before you really conclude what is actually happening to you.


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