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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

Smelly cat, smelly cat
what are they feeding you?
smelly cat, smelly cat
it’s not your fault

they wont take you to the vet
you’re obviously not their favorite pet
you may not be a bed of roses
and you’re no friend of those with noses
I promise you before we’re done
All the world will smell as one

smelly cat, smelly cat
what are they feeding you
smelly cat, smelly cat
it’s not your fault!..


Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit
14 replies

There was a girl, we’ll call her Betty
And a guy. Let’s call him Neil.
Now, I can’t stress this point too strongly
This story isn’t real.

Now our Neil must decide
Who will be the girl he casts aside
Will Betty be the one who he loves truly
Or will it be the one who we’ll call…Lulie

He MUST decide, he MUST decide
even though I made him up he Must decide.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

And lady gaga is in the room baby…🌼🌼😂


😂 haha

Buddy @buddy123

Hi there…and i love u…u r really really cool and u shud know that …smelly cat smelly cat what rthey feeding u made my day😌😌😌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

How you doing… 😉

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

She is a Sexy lobster. ❤😂

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

Hey don’t forget her crap bag.😉🤭

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @livelikeuloveit

Yuuhuuu @livelikeuloveit

And also our side loverrrr bing.


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