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3am ThoughtsThought

Bliss Bound 😇 @livingthen...

Running for or from what ?
Running to conquer or running away for what you fear.
Why are we living in a race knowing that we will end up getting tired of it .
Is it that we are ignorant of this piece of knowledge or is it that we are trying to prove others or ourselves wrong .
What is it ?
Does there really need to an everlasting race where we run till the clock stops ticking for us ?
Are the paths defined for this race or are we to make it ourselves or find lesser loitered ways?
At the end what is the purpose of this race ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
6 replies

Running for or from both are different but at the end we all end up in the same situation. Some situation are made to be run for and some made us to run from. We are supposed to do something. We do. But at some point in life we run sometime to avoid those situations and sometimes to take a break from our surroundings. It’s just all depends on what that situation is which making us run for or run from…

Bliss Bound 😇 @livingthen...

True very true. But we have the power to decide what we want to run for or strive for. In general it’s most preset for people what they have to run for if they want it or not.
The true essence of living is in realising that.


I agree but things are always not giving us that opportunity to decide what should we run or strive for. Sometimes we don’t even have that mindset that whether we should run or not, resulting us to stuck forever.


Nice one 🙂 well written

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Well written:)


Thanks buddy


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