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recently I invited 2 of the people I hang out with at school and I have been hanging out with them for about 3 years but covid happen and I didn’t talk to them then so I changed a lot and so did they but so I invited them over after school in one day I just realized that the only reason I invited them was that I didn’t want to be alone this summer I wanted to ride my bike with friends I wanted to play video games with them I want to be honest with them but I don’t have anyone for that. The two friends I invited are mean I think. They say things like I wasn’t pretty when I was younger and I know that sounds so pathetic to not like yourself for not being pretty but Idk. They also take my things without asking one time they took my phone without me knowing And said things that make me uncomfortable, and I know what most people might say that I should walk away from them right? but no the reason why I can’t is that I’m still in middle school and we have 100 middle schoolers in my grade so I also wouldn’t even have anyone else to ask if they can tell me what happened if I was absent. doesn’t help that I have social anxiety and that I like to be alone sometimes but I see all these people hanging out with there friends that get them the one’s that you are comfortable with like my older brother has those people, And he is the only person I play video games with like I want a friend like him. Back to my first topic I only invited them over so that I can hang out with people this summer but by the way they make me feel I don’t know if I want to like I want to tell them I don’t like the way they make me feel but I don’t want to hurt them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sugeilymari
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sugeilymari

Sugeily C. @sugeilymari


After starting off with your storytelling, I could’ve sworn you was older. You have such good vocabulary for a middle schooler because back in my days my 6,7 and 8th graders didn’t have good knowledge and SENSE. You actually comprehend and understand the right from wrongs which in this case you are in the right path. As for you not knowing what to say to these fellow classmates of yours, your only other option would be to distance yourself and let them figure it out on their own. Or, you could take that BIG step into β€œadulthood” and communicate to them on how you are feeling and why you thought that. But already knowing how they are genuinely, ask yourself if you are prepared to hear what they have to say. Mean girls or mean boys, will always be that. Some change after high school and some don’t (speaking from a person who’s graduated 3 years ago).
Yet, you’re you are a middle schooler?
Trust me, somethings won’t matter in a couple of years. But if you don’t take action some time in your life, somethings like mean friends will always be around you and you will never find it in you to stick up to one.
Be the change, in your generation.


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