Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Raghava @stupidrgv

Recently I am feeling very down in my life, I have always been a lonely guy and a very reserved person and I have two friends, they are more capable than me and I have always been a idiot. I lie, I am lazy, I don’t do anything to achieve my goals. Whenever I try to do something it becomes a failure, I feel i have no good qualities to succeed. My family have lots of hope in me. I couldn’t share this with anybody I know, so I came here

2 replies

I don’t want to give unsolicited advice bcs that’s really really irritating but if u want to vent or something then i will listen to that. Just want u to know that u do have someone to share it with.


I’m listening buddy, I can relate to u on so many levels, what are ur dreams? Like what wud u want to be given ur not gonna fail?


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