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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

quick question: If you could meet yourself from the past and you could tell them 1 things what would you tell them?

If i could i’d tell my past self; just allow yourself to be happy when you should’ve been instead of being so harsh on yourself, allow any feelings instead of repressing them and just enjoy the moment and get your hand off what you can’t control, basically just stop wasting your time with useless worries cuz in the end nothing will change and you might not know yet but time is too precious to be wasted. Trust me you don’t want to live on constantly regreting yourself

4 replies

Trust the timing of the universe. It never fails you💫🌼


The things that bother you now, will not matter after some time. Time heals. Believe in yourself. Be confident and you’ll be pround to see your future self. I can assure you of that.


Stop being so serious, Stop being a people pleaser, you don’t have to be avail 24*7 for everyone, its ur life you dont need to seek permission from so called friends.
Be independent, value urself not others. You got all talent everything in you, just start prioritizing urself.
😅n alas Can you please stop daydreaming instead get up n work


Dont plan your future too much. Life is unpredictable. You will fail after putting alot of efforts, you might win when you dont give it alot of thought.
But, you will get exactly what you need. So just be happy! There are gonna be tough days but Happy days will make it all worth it❤


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