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3am ThoughtsThought


Please give me some advice on how to behave normally around extroverts and humans + how to stop feeling lonely around extroverts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks

Keerthan @ks

Extroverts and introverts are just man made words… don’t think too much about it… Always remember that u are a wonderful creation 🍃🔥just live your life…experience things around you…live in the moment ✨


Okay what if i put it in different terms that some people around me are good at socializing , are confident, and are smart too and i feel lonely around them because i can’t socialize nor i am confident, like i just always daydream and live in my own world forgetting everything near me. But extroverts doesnt zone out they are so focused

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks

Keerthan @ks

I understand…my frnd…who is stopping you from expressing yourself!!.. just take small baby steps…u’ll improve day by day…✨…We are what we think…if u think u are bad at socializing…you will be…never consider yourself as a victim…life your life 🍃🍃🐒✨


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