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Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

People say like “don’t overthink it would give you more anxiety and and panic attacks” yes obviously it would … And it feels miserable… But what else can be done?? Like you can stop others from questioning you, you can ignore them but how can you stop your mind from questioning you, how can you ignore your mind?.. It feels like you’re fighting a battle with your mind, where you’re manipulated and defeated…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me
14 replies

For our mind to stop thinking all this sorts we need to change or create an atmosphere where it’s feels safe and peaceful! And if possible try to surround urself with kind and good people. And start doing things that you always enjoyed. For our mind to stop thinking such things we need to involve ourselves in various activities! And by being around good people you will actually feel better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

That’s the problem dude!! There’s no one who can make you feel safe and thus you’re getting the panic attacks… Coz you’re in pain and peer pressure and if u talk about diverting the mind, it won’t happen you can’t concentrate on any other thing while you’re getting a panic attack


Then acceptance is the only way! And I don’t know when that will come across! I have been in ur situation for past 2yrs!and one day I hit the rock bottom then happend the break through moment called acceptance! And now iam new person again. Let’s hope that u too experience this. Takecare buddy🫂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

It takes a lot of time to adapt in a new situation… All of a sudden your inner self is insecure, it would definately take time right!


Absolutely! It will take time.


I struggle with this…but it helps to think about yourself from the outside in…so to say …noone really cares about what you do so long as you’re not hurting anyone …would you judge others in the way you judge yourself for the things they like or what they wear if it makes them happy? And the key as long as it doesn’t effect anyone in a negative way…than it doesn’t matter. Nothing is going to matter …yknow…once we’re dead and gone and stuff…we are our biggest judge…the key is to work on your happiness …if it makes you happy do it. Increase your happiness by doing positive actions. Spend time with yourself, others and cultivate positive relationships with yourself and others. When you radiate positivity people are drawn to it. So if you are so worried about what others think, might as well have them think positively…give them something to remember you fondly by.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @literally_me

anonymous @literally_me

It’s not about what others think… I don’t care … But once you’re fed up you’ll not able to stop yourself from thinking and thinking… and panic attacks are like, you’ll not even Understand what’s triggering at that point of time … Suddenly you get flash backs of all the bad things happened with u


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