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People didn’t scared of expectations… why still it does hurt so damm when you can’t fullfill it… lyk u loose yourself…

Is expectations are really something good or bad !!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jknm
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704

Don’t keep expecting anything, anyone, or anywhere… Because u always get what you deserve… Keep expectations and trust and confidence on yourself… Even it didn’t fullfill still it’s okay u could taste failure next time work harder… Never give up on yourself


Yes expectations is just the greed… better e focus on the performance amd find yourself 😌😌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jknm

Priyanka @jknm

expectation are okay to have its from yourself. Like if you are having test tomorrow and you have prepared it well you at least expect that you pass even at the worst paper. so it’s good to keep you sain that nope you want something for yourself and you will somehow manage to reach that level. It keeps you driving to put efforts for the things you have set your eyes on . you know what you want and you would do that.
But then say you mix your expectation with those of peer or parents that oh they just do not expect me to pass but they want me to top then that situation would surely place you in different zone of worrisome you with so many thoughts of what if what will kind of questions you start seeing yourself where they want to see you instead of seeing where you see yourself. so the mismatch hurts.

And i do not know what you tried what you have been trying but i believe you will always be able do what you want because for that your efforts would be so smooth and precise that you will make it happen and you would keep on going for it until you get it . But, just do not mix others expectation in it and be worried about it it’s just bring unnecessary fuss and thought clouds that leads to overthinking and fear.


Yes setting goal for myself wasn’t the bad it shows how much does extra effort that i put for fulfill… even if u fail you will learn…
Bt expectations of others taht imposing on urself… is literally make yourself loose…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jknm

Priyanka @jknm

see you are smarty pants you will do awesome failing and learning is good but loosing yourself because of others is a big no. All the best :)


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