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Mental WellbeingThought


Have been trying to get over a guy since sometime now…
Wondering is being addicted to a person a real thing? Has anyone been through this?
If yes how to get over this addiction?
I think I am addicted to him but I don’t want to be. Want to move on and be happy.
Being with him has brought on so many changes in me… Lost my self confidence, second guess myself always, become needy for his approval
Want to get better NOW

5 replies

Been there. It takes some time. Keep yourself engaged. I used to call my friends 2 in the night just to keep myself engaged. I involved myself in art works and watching some series. Whenever you wanna go back focus on his flaws and all the bad times you had with him. I can assure you once you get over You’ll hate that person “the most”.
Love and trust yourself like no one else can!


Yes I have been keeping myself engaged in work, series or just with talking to friends. But sometimes the urge to say sorry and get back with home is too much to say no to… Working on not contacting him whatever I may feel


I’m thinking you don’t know this person close enough to know his human flaws. the void in that understanding is filled in by your imagination to make him irresistible. listen more often to what he says, allow him to talk about his interests if that is possible, eventually, the mask will fall. you will get glimpses of the human inside. if that’s not possible wait for an opportunity. if you think about something that you cannot have too often. everything including breathing can become a difficult task. you’ll lose the will to live. move towards your interests and do useful work. love more and you will lust less. make a sad soul happy. wait, holdon.


I have seen his bad side and I have gotten to know him in a way that I know that we can never be compatible but yes my imagination has made me romanticize this relation and hence the hurt… 😓


our mind and brain have inertia to change. just like when we apply the brakes the car still keeps moving further for a short while. although you know what’s good and have reason to stop, emotions can take some time to catch up. stay engaged.


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