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Overall, just really struggling with feeling alone. During the start of covid I ended a long-term relationship and moved back to my home state. Being back home is nice but friends are out of reach and making friends as an adult is difficult. Hopefully, with the fact I’ll attending college soon that will help in meeting people. I feel that it is just so difficult to genuinely connect with strangers online and I really miss a deep in-person human connection.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yashvsr
3 replies

Narinder @narinder1095


This pandemic has spared no one . Everyone is scared , confused and lonely and worst part is many of us have to deal with this mess ourselves.
But dont worry hold on β€œThis too shall pass” .
Yeah , making friends when you are adult is not that easy but give it a try you never know when you may meet someone with same crazy mind as yours !
Also, ONLINE is the new Offline . It won’t be as good as sipping coffee with your favorite person and discussing life or some weird absurd shit but it is much better than staying closed up in a room and spending time with movies or games without any interaction.
I would suggest you to give online platforms a try may be they may click for you and you may find something as deep as an offline connection.
Cheers πŸ₯‚


U situation is exactly what i am dealing with right now😞

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yashvsr

Yash @yashvsr


Hey its yash this side
Would love to help you out in this situation with a conversation
Ping me on insta


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