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Mental HealthThought


One of the biggest mistakes I made recently was saying I am ok when in reality I’m not ok at all. People have began to ask if im ok less and less because they see no need anymore. If anyone is contemplating whether to tell their family or friends that they are struggling, please do. The longer you say your fine when you aren’t, the harder and harder it gets to tell the truth. You can get through this, but you do not have to do this alone, it may feel really hard letting people know especially those close to you, but it will get easier, and it means you can get help. Stay strong, and remember please ask for help and reach out to someone if you need to. And if anyone wants to vent or anything please do in reply to this. Keep going, you’ve got this!

5 replies

Hana @hanalovesfood

The same thing happened to me and now people don’t even wanna have a conversation with me anymore… it’s just like I never existed for them :)


I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through this too. I hope you are able to let someone know, and that they are supportive, and you are able to get help if you need it. I hope you can feel better soon. Good luck with everything and don’t give up!

Hana @hanalovesfood

Thank you so much♡
I appreciate it

Hana @hanalovesfood

Thank you so much.
I hope you’ll get better soon too♥︎


Thank you so much. That means a lot. :)


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