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Social AnxietyThought


omg the craziest thing happened to me today.
i was in morrison’s with my mum food shopping, and we are both quite small so i couldn’t reach the milk. i had noticed this fit lad working and he was well over 6 foot. he offered to help and was really sweet. afterwards my mum said why dont you go and get his snap. i said absolutely not i cant do that, even though i really wanted to. anyways, we leave the store and mum said why dont you just go and do it youve got nothing to loose. i went back in after debating it for like 20 mins. i was searching around for 15 mins and i see him. my heart was racing so fast 😂😂. i dont know how but i plucked up enough courage to ask him for his snap. i said ik this sounds really weird but can i have your snap. he said im not supposed to go on my phone, i said sorry dw about it. then he said but yes you can have it. then i was super happy lol. then as you do i looked him up on insta, HE HAS A GF. i was mortified. later on i posted on insta, and he gf follows me? i was like oh shit so theyve been talking about me then. he did add me back on sc as well. i am super confused bc why would you give a random girl your sc or even add her back. im just waiting to see if the gf messages me. she liked my insta post 20 mins ago. probably checking me out to see if i was a slut or anything. i was just trying to shoot my shot and it totally backfired 😂😂. now im just so embarrassed lol. oh and also, i had already applied to work their before hand. so thats going to be brilliant if i do get the job and he recognises me.
love life ahahah!!

3 replies

Ohk so if you get job at that place, you should be your normal self and if that guy comes to you regarding this entire situation and uh should be like… Dude,you are the one who accept to give me ur snap id behind ur gf’s back! U r the one who is most probably cheater or slut… So ciao!
You had the guts to ask for a guys snap n thats ummm… In short u have guts… So u can totally pull this off. Break a leg!!😂😊👍🏻


ahahah yes i will do. so strange that he would add me back lol. i have no clue where that confidence came from. tyyy


You’re Welcome.😊


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