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7y7 @j0evy

ok yall hear me out. I just had a weird dream. Like a super weird one.
I was at school, getting ready to go home. i went out, almost ready to leave and then i met with our school janitor. at first everything was normal then suddenly my mom arrived to pick me from school but she was staying inside her car,looking at the two of us talking. the janitor then all of a sudden pulled me closer and told me something like ,no god or angel trully knows you. do not let anyone know you too well. you re the only one that should know yourself and no other should know yourself better than you.” she was so close that i could literally gaze into her right eye and when i did i realize that she is not really a human anymore. her eye was big and it wasnt human. it was more like a snake one. like it was an eye of a snake. then i started to cry. i wasnt scared or anxious. i was just calm and tears went down my face naturally. i realize that i opened my soul in front of so many people for too many times and i made many mistakes and i got hurt a lot because of this. but it wasnt about that. the dream was about something religious because she mentioned abt god and angels and when she did she basically transformed into that snake eyes person. meanwhile, my mom was staring at me from her car. she seemed very very concerned .she is also a religious person and she belives in god and she loves him and stuff. i am not a religious person tbh and i am fine with it.
but anyways- when she saw that i was crying, she came to me in a rush and then the janitor dissapeared.
i am still a bit confused about that dream but it was cool afff.

7 replies

duhhhh @mysticfalls


Well tbh I don’t think the dream was any type of religious from my pov …but what I think is tht maybe the dream has a hidden msg for ya…coz the way the janitor told uh was a life lesson and maybe uh should start applying it in real life!!! I know it is literal impossible to not share your feelings or anything but at some point it is us who share everything of our lives and end up being fucked up then ever!!

Dev_-2211 @madmanus


You might be right too.

Dev_-2211 @madmanus


Let’s use Christian reference.
The spirit of snake can be referring to python. ( mostly related to voodoo nd African black magic.)
On the other hand can be a symbol of leviathan ( the sea serpent, the gatekeeper of hell)
Being honest with u , u need to look on both the aspects , all that trauma can be there because of those things I mentioned above or might be because of just meeting the wrong person.

If you wanna talk more about it, u can connect …

7y7 @j0evy


interesting point of view indeed. i need to do some research on this kind of subjects as soon as possible.

Dev_-2211 @madmanus


I can tell you more if you want … πŸ™‚

7y7 @j0evy


hmm sure. shall we talk in private?

Dev_-2211 @madmanus


Whatever you are comfortable with πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚


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