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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

outkast @toska

Not a bad place. Not a bad life. Life akin to a travel ad that feels oh-so-wrong to achieve. Why and who encrypts the story of life so young? What makes the journey end with a bittersweet sunset? What do people compare the golden hour to? Trust me, the nights are the ones which have all the half-twisted realities unburdening to the ones who pay close attention to the cicadas. Each night is a dog-eared page that may have your favorite time of the day highlighted, heck, if the chapter goes even the slightest amusing, I may stick that page on my arm and hone it as a new tattoo. Trust me. The night storytellers are often the ones who stay till the end of the drive only to ensure rechecking if you reach home safe.

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