Need thoughts on a situation.
I met a guy. Fell in love. Now he’s my boyfriend. Everything’s fine. Here’s the thing. His ex wants to get back with him now and then. He has turned those proposals down multiple times. But whenever he comes across her (they live in the same neighborhood and their families are friends with each other), he feels terribly sad by seeing her sad. And wants her to do good/be happy. Is this something I should feel insecure about? And how as a partner, should I support him or help resolve this?
Rashael @rashael
That athing! It can be that ur partner is really nice person. So he wants to get everything resolved. Talk to him. Let him know about ur feelings and ask him to express his. Even the biggest problems can be sorted by talking it out. If don’t talk , it can led to misunderstandings. Give him time too.
I understand! Thanks for this. I have expressed it to him and have told him to talk to her and even before that figure out what he wants. To which he keeps saying that he wants us. And that he loves me. But just feels sad seeing her sad. 🙃
I guess, they should talk and I shouldn’t meddle.
Rashael @rashael
I hope everything gets resolved. ALL THE BEST !!YOU GO GIRL!!
Thank you 😊
Rashael @rashael
No probs✌🏻
ahh happened the same thing to me and didn’t really care about it but later he ended up breaking up with me and got back together with her:(
Well if this has to be happen, then it’s easy dude. Because if he leaves you, it means his feelings were never stable for you. So, it’s best for you too. Because your time wont get wasted. You want someone who makes you feel best and doenst make you insecure I guess.
And if this happens with me, I’ll be glad. Better soon than late.
but it hurts ughh
I know. But he wasnt meant for ya girl! You are amazing and you have got to love yourself!
Manny @manny_37
Hi, you should talk to your boyfriend about how you feel regarding this whole situation and also if you’re okay with the fact that he will remain in contact with her always as their parents are friends
and for his ex, he should have a talk with her and make her understand that her actions are affecting his relationship in a negative way and it’s best for her to move on and be collateral as their parents are friends so…
For the 1st para, what do we talk in such conversations? I have asked me to look into his heart and figure out what he wants and to talk to his ex too. To which he told he knows what he wants. And that he just feels sad seeing her sad. So, I kindda dont know what more to talk about in the conversation with him on this.
To your 2nd para, this time, she didn’t ask to get back. They had just met cz of a family gathering. He felt she’s sad and that saddened him deeply.
Manny @manny_37
Okay you should just talk him about how this whole thing is affecting you, that you’re overthinking and for him being sad seeing his ex sad is understandable but he should know how it’s affecting his current relationship
All I’m saying is you should make him understand what you feel and make his understand how much it’s affecting you and him, talking helps but at the end it depends how will he act upon this situation considering the fact that you told him how you feel.
I get it, thanks Manny ☹