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noname @no_name0

My sister goes to school every day has no friends in her class she used to but they turned she gets up every morning looking in the mirror doing her hair making herself enough for everyone she goes in and they make fun of her hair say it’s ugly and in class tells a classmate how she was treated so they try to comfort her and say she looks nice today then the girl beside her leans over and then whispers you must be joking a bit to loud my sister comes how crying she shuts herself in her room and cuts styles her hair different then goes to the gym and comes back 2 hours later exhausted this happens every week she gets made fun of and she did nothing to them I don’t know what to do I feel so useless doing nothing while she gets treated like this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @okbye
3 replies

Try to motivate her. Nd be in her side.

king @king_bob

Sometimes doing nothing is the best you could do
I also had no friends in my class
I used to cry everyday
But now i realised that if i didn’t care nothing really mattered to me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @okbye

aditi @okbye

or maybe complain about it to the teacher or the student’s parents. Like a intimidating gestures so that other students can understand that she has someone to support her


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