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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

My partner doesnt believe that i was abused by my parents because now we get along well and he loves them a lot….it hurts a lot. I described summarily what i went through but i couldnt go into vivid details because i have repressed memories (the abuse was severe). And because of that he thinks im exaggerating….it’s very hurtful because to this day i feel broken because of that abuse and eventhough i
love my parents and i wanna keep a relationship with
them now that they are nice i dont think i can ever truly forgive them because they drove me to a suicide attempt in 2019 and i still feel “the aftermath” of it. To this day they act like it never happened and back when they abuse me they tried to brainwash me into thinking im crazy and imagining all this…and my partner not believing me…ahh its a lot

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