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My own parents bully me for being skinny. They keep on saying that i am too thin. Keep on reminding me that I don’t get my size clothes, i will not get suitable boy … If i don’t gain weight.
I am 25… And i am 45kg. I have been thin since all my life. My parents are also thin.
In course of last 8 years they have got me tested for several disease… So as to know why I don’t gain weight. Nothing came out abnormal.
I took allopathic, homeopathic and even aurvadic medicine as prescribed by doctors to gain weight.
I even joined yoga and gym as told by people. Mom has been experimenting with alot of gharwale methods. They keep me force feeding me.
I have accepted my body. This is how i am. This is how i like it. Maybe its in geans to have slim body structure… But parents have still not accepted me like this. They keep on trying different ways. I get frustrated, why can’t they accept me as i am.
Body shaming begins at home… this is do true.
I cry for days, my stomach hurts due aurvedic medicine or over feeding… But i tell nobody… because if i complain, it would be considered as my tantrums. I wish i had perfect body so that i will have have to deal with this torture at my own home.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
23 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

I guess people do belong to both the extremes on a scale.
Its a genetic trait that you are “skinny”. Your parents are thin too right?
As long as you are medically fit, you are good to go.
As for not getting guys, well that’s a load of BS.
Please do not wish for a perfect body. It doesn’t exist.
Please stay away from unnecessary medications and gharwale nuskhe.
Just eat a healthy diet and get in some exercises.
Put the yoga to a later phase.

And please tell your parents that nothing is wrong medically with you and all those medications are detrimental to your health.


I am tired of explaining… Its been 1 year now… That i often tell them to accept me as i am… But they never skip single opportunity go make me hate my own body

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Telling them to accept you as you are, is exactly what they don’t want to hear. Trust me. Ask them to just let you be. And please try out the suggestion below. Ask your parents for 3 months time, to work on yourself BY yourself.


Nothing happens… I feel sad. Sometimes i feel i am that bad looking… Really, maybe… I am

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

HEYYYY!!! No self-depreciating thoughts!! You are completely fine!


I just had a huge fight because of this… with my parents

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

I can understand. Bodyshaming is just too mainstream in our desi households. They don’t even feel that it is hurtful. Just be strong.

Are they looking for guys to get you hitched?


They are looking for guys.
That’s another level of hurtful process… being in indian household.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

I guess they are just directing their frustrations on to you. Just be strong. And again, there is nothing wrong with you!


I am usually not bothered by these things. But there are days like today… when i just break down, when i am no longer able to take this… And i bust out in anger then feeling self-sufficient

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

I can totally feel what you are going through. And I guess we have this platform for some of these bad days huh?


*Crying and typing … Situation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Aww man 😟😟


I know bodyshaming is no joke , my whole life I was bullied for being a fatty girl,almost clowned in every dress shop because they don’t have any dress for my size, they asked me to go to a plus sized shop, barely had any friends because I was never good enough for them either cause I was fat. I too tried to lose weight by starving, exercised a lot but due to some hormonal problems I can’t. Just think, we are both going through something same. Never wish for a perfect body. If God has given you this, there maybe some reason. All through this years I wished to be skinny like my friends so that I may seem attractive to them. But God wished the other ways. I found my true love because of this. My boyfriend of 4 years has been with me through thick and thin, he has seen me struggle . Now, after all this I lost some weight eventhough he never told me to do so. So yeah as long as you are okay and healthy nothing matters. You are beautiful just the way you are ,don’t let people make you think the other way.


Thanks for sharing this… I hope this will make sense to me someday

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How do u deal with it??

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Don’t ur family point u out on ur weight each time?
I have accepted myself but my parents have not… They keep on pinpointing me

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I get your point.
But all this is humiliation

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