Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


My own actions are disturbing me. Last week, I was on my way home… lost in various thoughts… i was feeling very sad… bcz of a lot of things… and I’ve been wanting it all to just end… or just wishing I’d end… but never had the courage to end myself. But that day… on the way back… idk what happened, I froze, in the middle of the road… like I wanted someone to just hit and throw me in the air… some part of me wanted to move out of it… wanted to cross the road… but IDK WTH happened back there. I just couldn’t move!!!
My body just froze. I was completely shocked. I would’ve never done that to myself… stopping in the middle of the road with incoming traffic… no way. But that incident has rendered me disturbed… it’s really bothering me to even think I’d do that to myself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Oh sad to hear. Hope you were not physically harmed. Pls take care of yourself. Anything bothering you, pls feel free to share. Consult a counselor if this happens regularly.


I completely understand. A few years back I did the same thing to myself . I received a call at the last moment and I was out of that moment. Don’t worry dear. Just stop overthinking what you tried to do to yourself. It’s not a way to get out of it . In fact I usually laugh at myself rather than feeling guilty about it and I am sure in future you would too.

Just engage yourself in some sort of internal practices like meditation or pranayama and slowly everything will start fading . Yoga saved me from depression and all its physical manifestations eg migraine , anxiety , panic attacks .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

I’m genuinely sorry that you had to endure such a distressing experience. It’s not easy to open up about these feelings, and your courage in doing so is commendable. It’s crucial to lean on someone close to you or seek the guidance of a professional during such tough times. Taking small steps can make a significant impact.

Here’s a practical tip: try jotting down your thoughts; it could provide some clarity amidst the chaos. And please, if you ever feel the need for a deeper conversation or additional support, my counseling services are available. It’s a judgment-free space where you can freely navigate these emotions. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and your well-being is truly important.


U okay??


Not really


Why r u feeling all this… what are the reasons for this? If may I ask.


Not the first time I’ve had suicidal thoughts… when I was younger… I tried… attempted… failed… lol! But at present, I didn’t want to attempt per se, I had such thoughts going on but didn’t want to act on it… But that day it kinda happened with me being frozen… and it’s not abt just the road, sometimes I’m so deep in thoughts… Lost… zoned out … Or idk what … that I lie on my bed/ in chair… Doing nthn… lost in some other world… Only to realise that I lost an hour or so that way… doing nthn… Just my mind elsewhere. In fact, happens in the shower too… I get lost in some thoughts and bamm! Another hour gone!


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